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atj-intake ATJ Delivery System Intake Workgroup no Subscribe
district1 WSBA BOG District 1 no Subscribe
district4-governor-updates Outbound Only no Subscribe
board-meeting-notice WSBA Board Meeting Notice no Subscribe
wellbeing-taskforce Member Well-Being Taskforce List Serve no Subscribe
testbog1 Test Bog List 1 - EM no Subscribe
unifiedbarhr List Serve for HR staff in unified bars yes Subscribe
wdc WSBA Diversity Committee yes Subscribe
world-peace-through-law-section World Peace Through Law Section yes Subscribe
wsba-bog WSBA Board of Governors yes Subscribe
wsba-bogcln WSBA Civil Legal Needs yes Subscribe
wsba-cpd WSBA Council on Public Defense yes Subscribe
wylc Washington Young Lawyers Committee yes Subscribe
wylcommittee WA Young Lawyers Committee yes Subscribe
young-lawyer-liaisons WSBA Young Lawyer Liaisons to Sections yes Subscribe
business-law-section Business Law Section yes Subscribe
call-to-duty-pledge Call to Duty Pledge yes Subscribe
cannabis-law-section Cannabis Law Section yes Subscribe
civil-rights-law-section Civil Rights Law Section yes Subscribe
client-protection-heroes Client Protection Heroes yes Subscribe
construction-law-section Construction Law Section yes Subscribe
corporate-counsel-section Corporate Counsel Section yes Subscribe
county-bar County Bar Presidents yes Subscribe
cpd-equity cpd-equity yes Subscribe
cpd-ethics CPD Ethics and Conflicts ad hoc Workgroup yes Subscribe
cpd-independence CPD Independence yes Subscribe
cpd-juvenile CPD Juvenile Standards yes Subscribe
cpd-lfo CPD Legal Financial Obligations yes Subscribe
cpd-mentalhealth CPD Mental Health yes Subscribe
cpd-ngri CPD Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity yes Subscribe
cpd-pretrialjustice CPD Bail Reform Subcommittee yes Subscribe
cpd-standards CPD Standards yes Subscribe
cpd-structure CPD Structure yes Subscribe
cple-members Council on Public Legal Education yes Subscribe
creditor-debtor-section Creditor Debtor Section yes Subscribe
criminal-law-section Criminal Law Section yes Subscribe
dei-community DEI-Community yes Subscribe
eccl List serve for the ECCL Task Force yes Subscribe
elder-law-section Elder Law Section yes Subscribe
email-delivery-health email-delivery-health yes Subscribe
environmental-and-land-use-law-section Environmental and Land Use Law Section yes Subscribe
foundation-award-team Foundation Award Team yes Subscribe
foundation-board Foundation Board yes Subscribe
foundation-donor-engagement Foundation Donor Engagement yes Subscribe
foundation-lawfirm-campaign Foundation Lawfirm Campaign yes Subscribe
healthlaw-section Health Law Section yes Subscribe
indian-law-section Indian Law Section yes Subscribe
intellectual-property-section Intellectual Property Section yes Subscribe
international-practice-section International Practice Section yes Subscribe
juvenile-law-section Juvenile Law Section yes Subscribe
labor-and-employment-law-section Labor and Employment Law Section yes Subscribe
legal-assistance-to-military-personnel-section Legal Assistance to Military Personnel Section yes Subscribe
litigation-section Litigation Section yes Subscribe
mba Minority Bar Associations yes Subscribe
mcletaskforce MCLE Task Force yes Subscribe
moderatemeans Moderate Means Project yes Subscribe
newlawyers WSBA New Lawyers yes Subscribe
pbpsc Pro Bono & Public Service Committee yes Subscribe
publicservice Public Service yes Subscribe
qlsp Qualified Legal Service Providers yes Subscribe
rule6tutors Rule 6 Tutors yes Subscribe
section-leaders WSBA Section Leaders yes Subscribe
senior-lawyers senior-lawyers yes Subscribe
sogili-section Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification Legal Issues Section yes Subscribe
standard-template This is a template that can be copied to create a new list serve. yes Subscribe
star-committee Star-Committee list yes Subscribe
taxation-section Taxation Section yes Subscribe
test2 test2 yes Subscribe
atj-jwob ATJ Justice Without Barriers Committe yes Subscribe
atj-lafco Access to Justice – Legal Aid Fundraising and Communications Roundtable yes Subscribe
atj-probonos Pro Bono program coordinators yes Subscribe
atj-race-initiative ATJ Race Initiative yes Subscribe
atj-rules ATJ Rules Committee yes Subscribe
atj-sparc ATJ State Plan Action and Resource Committee yes Subscribe
atj-stateplan ATJ State Plan Informational List yes Subscribe
atj-stateplanconsensus ATJ State Plan Consensus Group yes Subscribe
atj-stateplansteering ATJ State Plan Steering Committee yes Subscribe
atj-taf ATJ FLADAS yes Subscribe
atj-tech ATJ Technology Committee yes Subscribe
atj-techprinciples ATJ Technology Principles Workgroup yes Subscribe
atj-undocumented ATJ Delivery Systems Undocumented Subcommittee yes Subscribe
atj-website ATJ Communications Committee Website Redesign Workgroup yes Subscribe
bar-leaders-comm Bar Leaders Committee yes Subscribe
administrative-law-section Administrative Law Section yes Subscribe
adr-section Alternative Dispute Resolution Section List yes Subscribe
aicp Achieving Inclusion CLE Planning yes Subscribe
animal-law-section Animal Law Section yes Subscribe
antitrust-consumer-protection-ubp-section Antitrust, Consumer Protection and Unfair Business Practices Section yes Subscribe
atj Access to Justice Board yes Subscribe
atj-academy ATJ Leadership Academy Advisory Committee yes Subscribe
atj-advisors atj-advisors yes Subscribe
atj-chairs ATJ Committee Chairs yes Subscribe
atj-communications ATJ Board Communications Committee yes Subscribe
atj-community ATJ Community yes Subscribe
atj-conference atj-conference yes Subscribe
atj-cr55 ATJ Rules Committee CR 55 Workgroup yes Subscribe
atj-delivery ATJ Delivery Systems Committee yes Subscribe
atj-ejcla ATJ EJCLA yes Subscribe
atj-ejcla-steering ATJ EJCLA Steering yes Subscribe
atj-exec Access to Justice Board Executive Committee yes Subscribe